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1 Fazz711
2 Lucas James 27
3. andrewmandrew72
4. GoWo
5. Razuddin

I fancy giving this a go, can i put my name down please. Thanks for the gesture @JohnNada
Count me in

1 Fazz711
2 Lucas James 27
3. andrewmandrew72
4. GoWo
5. Razuddin
6. Nutmeg
Nice give away John.

I have heard this is great for flavour, so someone is going to be really happy with this.

Not an entry for me but good luck everyone.
1. Fazz711
2. Lucas James 27
3. andrewmandrew72
4. GoWo
5. Razuddin
6. Nutmeg
7. mattc1

Thanks for the chance.

1. Fazz711
2. Lucas James 27
3. andrewmandrew72
4. GoWo
5. Razuddin
6. Nutmeg
7. mattc1
8. Frogprince
I've got a Tesco delivery coming between 12 - 1pm so I've just done this now and the winner is....


Congratulations @Lucas James 27 :D

Please send me a PM and we'll sort out delivery etc.
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