I've just tried a pair of those coils (same brand, same design tub, same claimed 0.36 ohms) and got a reading of 0.35 for a pair. Both coils were glowing evenly so there was no connection problem - I've been vaping on them for the last 45 minutes in a 22mm Tsunami and they're OK at 55W.
I've also used the '0.45 ohm' KA1 mixed twisted coils that come in the same style tubs - the resistance should have been 0.22 - 0.23 a pair, but was way over 0.30. The quoted resistance for the coils in that range with the green ring on the label seem to bear little resemblance to the coils in the tubs. The same manufacturer does a range of complex coils (they have an orange ring on the label) the claimed resistance on these tend to be accurate but the coils are huge Kanthal jobs that need a lot of power.