Good to know waiting for hana to be in my hand fitting both for another member
Knew it would be tight have FDV to try also but they are in work and top cap is deeper
May heat shrink switch body
Sent from (who cares) using Planet of the Vapes
Cheers for the advice all. I managed to get the old connector out. Just need to tap, solder and fit the new 510.. I went for the varitube in the end
It's all fitted now and is NOT going to be moving. Next all I need to do is to drill out the screw holes so I can fit the magnets....... one thing at a time though lol. Some gaffa tape is doing the job holding the back on for the moment and it's currently sitting at 18.5 watts with the kayfun/Russian 91% hybrid (@ 0.8ohms) full of space jam's Starlight 1.. That space jam is some tasty juice!!!!!!Remember varitube have fine threads, m10x0.5mm I think.