man_d as long as you know the amp limit of your cells and you can measure resistance you can work out if a build is safe to fire. If you ever want a sub ohm build doing, you could always give us a shout, I'd be happy to build one for you if you wanted and I'm sure
Raguri would do the same, just tell us your cells and we can work out a safe build and put it together, all you'd need to do is change the cotton when it starts looking manky.
I use a multimeter or my vamo to check my builds, bi know the vamo reads .1 of an ohm lower than my meter does. Most people just buy one of those resistance checkers and use it as a build stand and trust the reading it gives, I personally prefer to trust my fluke multimeter, but thats just me.
I use this on my phone to calculate what a build is expected to do. Its called vapers toolbox
And I always calculate the power using volts and resistance, set volts to 4.2 as that is your worst case scenario and enter the builds resistance.
So you can see I'm using a 4.2v cell and a .6ohm build, it gives me the power in watts and the current draw in amps. That build is seven amps, my panasonic 18650 pd cells have a 10amp continuous current draw limit so I can safely use this build. As an added safety margin I would hope to only see a .3v drop when firing, so I get this
So realistically I'll get 25watts at 6.5amps, well within the safety margin of my cells and more power out than a dna20......
I've done .6ohm builds a few different ways, last night I used .45 kanthal, six wraps (if memory serves) around a 2mm screwdriver plus the lead length to the taifun posts. I also got similar resistance using two nine wrap coils around two of the blue handled screw drivers you get in clone attys, with the lead length on the aqua, and the extra wraps, my dual coil build came out safe to use with my panasonic pd cells too.
Its mainly a case of practice and if in doubt, stick another wrap on, build and measure then test, its always better to be slightly high rather than slightly low.
The thick wire is also really easy to work with. I've also used twisted kanthal where you trap a number of strands of thinner kanthal in a drill chuck, twist the other ends and trap in a vice/pliars then run the drill till its all twisted nicely, tightly and evenly with no kinks or twisted both ribbon and kanthal to make tiger coils. They all vape differently and will pick out different notes in your juices.
Despite riptripper being quite annoying, his build videos are well worth watching, along with todds and grim greens, you soon pick things up to try out.