Just a bit of an update on my progress :
The Nemesis clone and Fogger that I ordered late on Weds afternoon both turned up today, courtesey of Grey Haze and Vape Geek.
After asking Fasttech 3 times what size screws were used in the Taifun and getting no answer (basically, I don't think they have a fecking clue) I'd also ordered some an assortment of different sized screws, which also arrived today....if it's of interest to anyone, m2 12mm screw seems to be the correct size to replace the smaller of the 2 screws in the (Fasttech clone) Taifun.
I've set up the new Nemesis/Fogger combo, but this time I felt brave enough to try a microcoil type. I say 'type' because I don't know if there's an accepted set of parameters to define what a microcoil actually is. Anyway, I wrapped some 28 kanthal around a 14 gauge needle (approx 2.1mm od) and then used some tweezers to squash the coils after pulsing, like I've seen in videos. Used cotton wick again and the end result was a 1.2 ohm coil that is very satisfying.
Feeling a bit giddy and flushed with success, I went straight on to try recoiling the first Nmesis/Fogger combo, using the same method. Somewhat shockingly, it worked.. another 1.2 ohm coil that's hitting the spot.
I'd watched the Riptrippers vid on the Kayfun as @
gords1001 suggested and after a few minutes, it became clear where I'd gone wrong with the wick placement. Having had 2 successes on the bounce, I decided to try and make it 3 and attempted a rebuild of the Kayfun.
I used the same microcoil type approach and a cotton wick that was actually positioned properly this time. I think I must have added an extra wind onto this build because it came out at 1.45 ohms, but crucially, the wicking was very much improved.
I haven't attempted anything with the Taifun yet.. need to watch a few 'how to' videos first and try to get the proper technique into the soggy cabbage that passes for my brain. I'm also gonna hang back on the Aqua for now until I get a bit more competent/confident in my coil building (and ideally, get myself sorted with a dedicated 'building' table, complete with an illuminated magnifying glass rather than using the kitchen worktop).
The Efest IMRs (2000mah) seem to be coping ok with the 1.2 ohm coils and I feel a bit happier using them since I checked out that link to the battery parameters.
Chegs I've been bouncing around a bit with my nic levels, going up to 10mg, down to 5mg, back up to 8mg and am currently back on 5mg. I'm hoping that if I can get myself competent enough to attempt lower ohm builds, I might be able to cut my nic down even further.. perhaps even try zero nic again. The last time I tried that though, I was bouncing off the walls after a day or so, so I won't be holding my breath for that to happen.
It would be nice if it did happen though.. not because I think I absolutely need to use zero nic, but If I could manage on it, it would remove the last route of potential control that the likes of McAvan and her bunch of idiot co-conspiriters have over me. The thought of being able to totally disregard anything those feckers have planned (on a purely personal level at any rate) gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.
Off now to have a nice cuppa and enjoy me new builds for a bit.