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Help me enjoy squonking. Please...

What gauge n80 are you using ? I have found with single coils 24 gauge works best for me I pretty much do the same build in everything 6 wraps with 3mm inner diameter comes out around the 0.47 mark nice quick ramp up and not too hot as I don't like an airy vape
Bugger too late

Never too late! I'm using 0.37mm (27awg) I did 6wraps coming in at 0.6ish ohms. I have some different gauges so will maybe try your build next time, although 3mm will be a bit tight in the little cyclone atty.

I appreciate the tips, I'll get there in the end! [emoji12][emoji106][emoji106]
3mm is way too tight for the deck,I tried and it didn't like it

Yeah, I think my 2.4mm that I pulled out was a bit tight, the 2mm seems much better. I'll try the 3mm build in one of my 22mm atties. [emoji12][emoji106][emoji106]
I find 0.5-0.8 works well in the Cyclone, I don't have the AFC though, so only one hole bored out to about 1.5mm (I think). At the moment I'm running a twisted kanthal build (3*32ga+ribbon, pre-twisted from UD), 6 wraps around a 2.5mm bit, just shy of 0.5Ω and it's bloody lovely. It does get warm, but an appropriate drip tip will help with that. It's the nature of the dripper I guess, tiny chamber for flavour means that the heat from the coil won't go far before it hits the walls and heats it all up.
I don't need another excuse to spend money so I'm waiting for an electronic squonker coupled with TC that will automatically feed juice to the coil.
I'm reading with interest, was thinking of going down the Squonk route but then was advised about a Limitless Plus RDTA, sorry for my ignorance or noobyness but does either have any advantage over the other?
I'm reading with interest, was thinking of going down the Squonk route but then was advised about a Limitless Plus RDTA, sorry for my ignorance or noobyness but does either have any advantage over the other?

They're completely different things. Squonkers are true drippers where the juice is fed in from the bottom by squeezing a plastic bottle.

RDTA's are a joke attempt at combining tanks and drippers. It doesn't work and you end up with a second rate tank.
They're completely different things. Squonkers are true drippers where the juice is fed in from the bottom by squeezing a plastic bottle.

RDTA's are a joke attempt at combining tanks and drippers. It doesn't work and you end up with a second rate tank.

Not strictly true, the aromamizer isn't a second rate tank.
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