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Help please guys

I just picked up a 100m reel of stainless off CWC and put a beadalon on it to hold it together, minimal waste.

It's all relative though, I can only try to explain my experiences. Nothing wrong with flatwire either if you want a bigger surface area too. Or plough your own furrow, as they say.
That's the beautiful thing about vaping, there's no right or wrong answers. It's all down to preference.
Same question being asked on Facebook and very different answers coming up. The big Coil Guys will have a field day no doubt :D
facebook must be all about the wank fodder surely?
That's probably me mate trying to get a straight answer on there is like pissing in the wind
Ni80 wire will definitely give you a better ramp up time but is obviously no good if you want to use TC mode. I also found the flavour quality with Ni80 lasts much longer although I haven't spent enough time working on my technique with stainless to know if there is a way I could get the flavour to last better.

The Coil Calculator from the android Vape Tool app suggests that 23 or 24 guage Ni80 wire should ohm out pretty much where you want it depending how many wraps you have.

I use framed staple wire simply because it works for me and I really like the result I get from it but in general I'm not a big fan of all these clever sounding complex coils. They all sound fantastic until you've vaped on them for an hour and they've started to get a layer of gunk all over them. Coils like Juggernauts just provide too many places for the gunk to embed itself which I think is why they get such bad reviews.

There's definitely much better coil builders around here than me but that's my little bit of input if it helps.
Ni80 wire will definitely give you a better ramp up time but is obviously no good if you want to use TC mode. I also found the flavour quality with Ni80 lasts much longer although I haven't spent enough time working on my technique with stainless to know if there is a way I could get the flavour to last better.

The Coil Calculator from the android Vape Tool app suggests that 23 or 24 guage Ni80 wire should ohm out pretty much where you want it depending how many wraps you have.

I use framed staple wire simply because it works for me and I really like the result I get from it but in general I'm not a big fan of all these clever sounding complex coils. They all sound fantastic until you've vaped on them for an hour and they've started to get a layer of gunk all over them. Coils like Juggernauts just provide too many places for the gunk to embed itself which I think is why they get such bad reviews.

There's definitely much better coil builders around here than me but that's my little bit of input if it helps.
Yes it definitely does help I use to just use kanthal back in the day and I bought a load of pre made mixed coils a while back but things change every week lol I'm now mainly on Boro mods so I'm just looking for a spool of wire to get me where I need to be but yes thanks for your help really appreciate it
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