If you check thro FT you can find the BF conversion kit for your Sapor dripper..... Well worth investing in.
The Velocity will be like a usual Velocity I suppose, I wouldn't hold out hope on the glass cap surviving the trip from China going by my past experiences. It's a Velo, it does what it says on the tin.
The Hastur is OK, needs a lot of fannying about with to get it set up just right, but all in all it is ok.
Nivver had an Otis.
Hadaly is lovely. Stick a 3.5mm inner or larger single coil ( flattened nichrome if yir using a squeeze!) and off you pop. Don't block the airholes with wick!
24mm squonk atties will be tricksy to fit on a Squeeze. And not always all that worth the effort. But a 24mm Kennedy can be had for squonking and can be fun.
just seen this...thanks mate. think i've narrowed it down before i saw this and think i'm going with the hadaly and odis which agrees with a lot of what you're saying....the velocity is a velocity is a velocity and the hastur is showing 5 days longer after hols to ship....fook that. as it'll be long enough as it is.....they made it easy!!!