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Help requested....I need a good screw...


Nov 7, 2013
I'm not really a new user, but thought that this section of the forum was best place for this question as more people would see it....

Q/. I've got a kraken clone that I bought from Fasttech and the screws on the deck seem to be made of chocolate....either the screws or the threads are fubared...They wont screw down on my wire (or ribbon) they wont grip the coil tails when I try to recoil the bugger....Is there somewhere I can firstly buy new screws and/or secondly get a new deck section......the rest of the atty is perfect just this screw problem....
I haven't got a Kraken, but I can highly recommend stealthvapes screws of destiny if they seem suitable, they come in m2 or m3 sizes, I've got the m2's on my igo-s and they are great :)
forgot to mention that I also picked up the allen key from them too (size 1.5mm I believe at the top of the screws), just in case you don't have a suitable allen key :)
Cant believe you have only had two offers for a screw or two :P

Sv are supposed to be the best ;)

I'd be happy with that

This thread was created with the intention and hope of it spiralling out into the shallows of smut, I am sure...
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