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Help with DNA 30 18650 mod


Jan 28, 2015
Hi Vaperoonies,

I just put a coil on my cloupor dna 30 but I accidentally had the watts super low and the coil at around 2.

It came up and said too hot then smoke came out but the battery seems OK.

I've changed battery but every Atty I add now says Shorted.

Is this fixable do we think?

(sods law my new wrap came for it today)

Thank you Phil. X
Cloupor cana mod I believe. I bought it from a chap on here.

In which case it's not an actual DNA30, fyi. :)

The Cloupors seem to have a habit of doing that, I'm afraid. If you take the screws out the back, can you show us a picture of the inside?
I had two do this....a pukka hana, and a FT jobbie......both due to a shorting atty....

Is there a funny smell at all when you open it? Is there any melting at all near the board or wiring?
There was a bit of a smell and I tiny bit of smoke coming out of the charging port and not the vent.

Looks like some one has been into it before me but I can't work out how to get the perspex off.


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You can pretty much guarantee its fucked.

Your choices are:
1. Bin it
2. Buy a genuine DNA 25/30/40 chip and fit it yourself
3. Pay someone to do the above
4. Buy a clone DNA chip (not much cheaper really) and repeat 2 or 3.
You can pretty much guarantee its fucked.

Your choices are:
1. Bin it
2. Buy a genuine DNA 25/30/40 chip and fit it yourself
3. Pay someone to do the above
4. Buy a clone DNA chip (not much cheaper really) and repeat 2 or 3.
Im afraid that the old man is right.....

Balls... Any suggestions on what I should be paying for the chip. And who would be able to fix it cheaply for me?
if you go clone chip its about £13 from fasttech a dna 25 chip will be about £30 from somewere like stealthvape and a dna 30 chip was about £40 the last time i saw one for sale and as for getting it rebuilt i was told about £65 including chip price cheaper buying a new one from ft
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