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Help with setting up needed!


Jan 29, 2013
So my Vision eGo kit just arrived in the post.

I bought a new V3 tube for it, because I want it to be purple. I've removed the original clear one, and the bit inside which holds the wick (can't remember the name!) but I cannot get that part to screw into the new tube.

They are the exact same size/shape etc, but for some reason, whilst it screws in easy peasy to the original, I just can't get it to screw into the new purple one.

Just been looking at them more carefully- the replacement purple tube has about a 1mm difference in the base of it where the coil screws in. Hence why it doesn't fit.

Slightly annoying seeing as when I added the Vision eGo to my basket they were recommended to me!
Id have to see pics or links in order to help you! I have several different types of Novas (if thats what these are)

and there are a size difference, but I am confused lol and have no idea if youre on about Novas or Clearomisers
Your first link is what I've got, as a replacement for the clearomiser it came with, but there is a size discrepancy between the 2 bases and thats why the coil that goes inside won't screw in.

I'm trying to get pictures but my phone is being rubbish :(
Yeah totally different youd need to get the full v3 vision clearo
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