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Hey guys


Oct 5, 2012
Well I've been lurking around the forum for a couple of weeks so I guess I should say hi to everyone.
So hi everyone I'm Patch7352 a.k.a Chris, don't ask me how I got the name but my mum wanted to call me Chris so I guess it just stuck.
I've been vaping for the last few months and not touched a real cig since and all I can say is its the best thing I ever did. I started off with sky-cigs then moved onto an Ego twist which I use mainly for work, I'm a painter and decorator btw, and a couple of weeks ago I got myself a nice little gadget called a Provari which if you've never heard of them I suggest to take a look.
Anyhow thanks to whoever invited me here from Twitter, I must say this is quite a nice little forum you have here with plenty of good info and everyone so far seems friendly enough.
Well erm nothing much to say really other than thanks and I'll see you all around :)

Cheers, Chris.
Welcome Chris, yes I have one of those Provari things they are quite good!! You will find loads of useful help and information here
Yay, another provari user :) welcome to our little piece of vaping heaven!
Hi Chris, thanks for saying hello and introducing yourself. Your right, they are a friendly bunch on here. I have not been here long myself, but have learnt lots from everyone. I see you have learned to invest in one of them Provart things!, lol
Welcome from me too Chris. Seems newbies are buying high end gear quicker these days. Glad you've come out from lurking :)
It is friendly here - your fellow Provaristi even talk to us minions who vape on battered tins and Egos and the like. Welcome mate, hope you enjoy it.

By the way, if you are looking for extra business, may I suggest a major UK vaping forum? Half the grumpy old men on it behave like they are just about to get the painters & decorators in most of the time.

So, welcome again - what do you vape on your Provari? Any favourite flavours or recommendations for us?
Bryan tells it like it is lol. Hi Chris, very well done on your vaping journey so far, you have done fabulously :) welcome to planet of the nice but nutty :D
He he thanks guys. Erm to answer Bryan's question I vape T/W Titan Tobacco flavour 36mg as my all day vape. Other than that I Vape T/W Titan apple 36mg and I've just ordered some Tropical Sunset from our friend Wavesofvapour after someone on here recommended it. I haven't ventured much in the liquid market but I'm starting to tbh. I like a big throat hit first and foremost tbh and obviously nice flavour. I did order some liquid once, I'll not say where from but it was Hansen tobacco flavour and it was horrid and the vapour smelt like cat piss ( trust me I have two cats so I know what cat piss smells like) so I tend to stick with what I know tbh. On the top of my Provari I've got a blue glass Siam Mod tank with a Boge LR carto tucked snuggly inside with my tobacco flavour in and the same tank but with frosted glass for my apple flavour. Btw I highly recommend these tanks to anyone. What I will say about them though is the first one I got I bought the titanium end caps with it which are £10 extra, when I ordered my blue tank I ordered the steel end caps which was obviously cheaper and in my opinion I like the steel better. They fit the same, look the same but they are a bit heavier and I like that plus £10 cheaper. I've had these tanks a couple of weeks now and I've had no leaks and no problems with them. One thing though is if you have the tank right down onto the top of your Provari it restricts air flow so just lift the tank up the carto so air can flow through. Other than that is all good :)
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