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HI all from south yorkshire


Jun 5, 2013
Hi all

my name is jason Im from south yorkshire

I have been vaping for a year and a half now i was a 25 a day smoker from the age of 15 to 26 the reason i started vaping is i have 2 kids 4 and 7 my oldest son started asking why i smoke its bad for me and stinks actually he was getting upset so thats what made me start looking at vaping.

I started with a standard e-cigarette from halo but after a couple of months decided it was time to move on to a ego device i used a 900mah ego with a kanger t2 tank for a long time. I work in security at the minute but as part time i build pcs etc so i love fiddling so my next more was a RBA and a vamo and from there i cant stop buying and changing mods etc.
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