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Hi all


Feb 10, 2014
Small introduction. From me Binbagz, and my partner Angelofchaos.

A friend of mine handed me two ego blister packs a couple of months before Xmas, and after a sceptical moment of thought can this really work? We're both off analogues and the answer to m question is a resounding yes it does. We now spend many an evening plant with different mixes and concentrates seeing what flavour we can make next.

Sent from my 9706T using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Small introduction. From me Binbagz, and my partner Angelofchaos.

A friend of mine handed me two ego blister packs a couple of months before Xmas, and after a sceptical moment of thought can this really work? We're both off analogues and the answer to my question is a resounding yes it does. We now spend many an evening playing with different mixes and concentrates seeing what flavour we can make next.

Sent from my 9706T using Planet of the Vapes mobile app

Edited coz my speiling slucks

Sent from my 9706T using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Hello and welcome to the Planet :), You can edit your posts after posting, look at your post and at the bottom right of the post window there is an option to "Edit" it, just click that and you can alter what you posted to correct any mistakes. Anyway put your feet up and have a good browse round with a nice cuppa and a favourite vape :) .
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