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May 15, 2014
Hi, I've been vaping about 3 months now, and off the stinkies for 2 of those. I was suprised how easy it was tbh tried patches and stuff before but never really helped.
I started with a basic ego battery and iclear 16, soon got a vv ego so i wouldn't ever be without a fully charged battery. So far I now have an mvp2 and a vammo v5 and too many tanks to list them all. My fav tank so far is my nautilus as it gives me best flavour. Next step will be a cheap rda just ordered an igo l from stealthvape as everyone seems to rate these as a good place to start. As you can tell I love getting new stuff and have a bad case of shinyitis :grin2:
:2thumbsup: Hello, Welcome to the Crazy Gang!!!
Aloha man, I just got my kanthal and voodoowool from stealthvapes shame my RDA is coming all the way from fasttech....
Just got my rda this morning, built my first coil and it came in at 2.5 ohms lovely stuff triphammer tiger stripe being dripped as I type yummy :grin2:
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