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Hi, been vaping a while but only using very basic setup, interested in mods...

Well, it's certainly more powerful, not so sure about the relative vintages. Had one of the 80W variants for over 3 years.
So a question about Wattage/Voltage, being the main setting I'm looking at is Wattage. Now I know the Voltage is like the "force" and Wattage is force and volume (i.e. amps) combined. Does this mean there is typically is a seperate Voltage control mechanism on these mods, or do some mods have fixed Voltage and others have variable Voltage?

With my setup of using 1.6 1.8 Standard Nautilus as well as (soon to be) AIO and Clapton coils, is there anything I need to be mindful of? I know that TC coils will be compatible with the mods (though will need different settings)
Some mods do have variable voltage but I haven't seen many, most are just variable wattage I think.
Sure, so as long as I have the right watts, for the 1.6, 1.8 or whatever Ohm rating coil the Voltage doesn't matter so much? Because the formula is inverse squared or soemthing?

Some mods do have variable voltage but I haven't seen many, most are just variable wattage I think.
Most have varible wattage mode. Some will also have variable voltage.
wattage mode is most commonly used by people, just set the wattage acording to which coils you use. I think nautilus 1.6/1.8 ohm should be something like 10-14 w. So with a new coil start around 8w then increase by 0.5w every few puffs untill at the wattage you like within the recomended.
Okay got it. Because these have these Watt and TC controls, these are all "Regulated mods" as opposed to the mech ones I assume?
Yes, regulated mods also have various protections built in.
such as overcharge protection, 10/15 second cut off, low resitance protection.
mechs have no electronic components, just a direct conettion between battery and coil. So only recomended for advanced users with understanding of ohms law.
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