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Hi from a new member


Jul 14, 2014
Hi all, just a intro about me. Like most I guess I started with garage cigalikes to give up the stinkies. They were truly awful! So I read a few forums, and bought a kit from a uk vendor. New world! I soon however found the format frustrating as carts and battys kept running out. Then moved up a bit from the same vendor, not too concerned that they did not (at that time) do a 501 fitting as the kit (now with additional batteries and atomisers) were keeping me clean. Long story short is I am now re-wicking my current set up, mixing my own juices and have taken possession of a Kraken clone with a couple of mods on the slow boat. Progress eh! A very heartfelt thank you to all those pioneers who have learned the hard way so peeps like me can vape safely and learn from them.

New member too...I quit smoking in January of this year and have not had a smoke since. Started on a overpriced starter kit that was pretty bad but stuck with it. Now I mostly use KFuns and Origen v1 on a dual 26650 box mod and a Cana...though I see a sx350 in my future...hopefully
:2thumbsup: Hello Athamas, Nice to meet you Mate!!! You've got to love the Kraken!!! Enjoy your stay!!!
ooooh - shiny shiny. yup defo - thats me. thanks for the welcome all. been lurking ages and love this forum, so here I am. apols in advance for any etiquette FUs and wrongs posts, I'm an old git learning a new language.
Nice to meet you :)

Don't worry about the occasional fu, have a look at the how old are you post, you are not alone :)
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