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Hi, from Hampshire


Jul 6, 2014
Hi guys,

A quick "hello" and an introduction. Been vaping full time since Christmas on two eVods. Swapped the tanks out for two different Aspires. Been through about about a dozen coils. Got bored and bought a GG Esterigon.

So that is where I'm at. I'm waiting for my first "proper" atty to arrive in the post and am currently trying to decide which batteries to buy for the mod. Itching to start making my own builds :D

Peace, love and rabbits
Welcome to POTV! hope postie gets there soon!

Peace, love and a small Brown hare called Clive, just to be different.
Welcome nice to see another hamshire ike on here lol. What part of hampshire

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
:2thumbsup: Hello fatal_rabbit , Nice to meet you Mate!!!
Aloha man, what size mod for the batteries? if its 18650 then VTC4/5's seem to be the best at the moment
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