Damn, lived in Wales for 28 years and have never learnt to speak Welsh :-( I understand how it works, just got no head for learning languages. ImIfrom Cornwall originally and Cornish seems to be making a come back!Croeso ar y planedd met.
Dai iawn ar stopio ysmygu.
Smoker for 35 years (rollups, no filters) I found it surprisingly easy once I got my Aspire Pockex. Decided I wanted something with a bit more oomph so went with the AL85.Hi and welcome. You're getting there. Stage 1 is giving up smoking. Stage 2 is giving up Smok
Seriously though, if what you are doing works, keep doing it
Damn, lived in Wales for 28 years and have never learnt to speak Welsh :-( I understand how it works, just got no head for learning languages. ImIfrom Cornwall originally and Cornish seems to be making a come back!