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Hi im Michelle

Michelle Stobbart

New Member
Jul 6, 2018
Hi ive been vaping nearly 2 years and am getting mouth ulcers all the time, really painful ones. i googled this and the most common reason is an allergy to pg so i now mix my own and add a very small amount of pg concentrate. I am still getting them though so have ordered 100% vg oils and am waiting for them to arrive. Does anyone know of anything else it could be linked to in regards to vaping? Thanks in advance x
I read some reports that a very few people get them from Stainless Steel coils. Perhaps you could try Kanthal for a period and see how it goes?
Also reducing the artificial sweeteners in juice might help.
:hello:and :welcome1: to the planet....... i have heard that some people get allergy's from using coils like NI 80,S and so on you may be better off going to see your doctor and get a allergy test done to see what it is thats causing this to happen to you well what ever it is hope you get it sorted .......
Hi and welcome to the planet.

Would help if you give us some background.
What mod and tank are you using with what coil at what wattage.

100% VG oils. Anything with the word oils in is not for vape as far as I know so can you post a link to what you've bought so the experts can advise further.
Have you tried not vaping for a while? Mouth ulcers are more commonly caused by things other than PG.
It could be down to oral hygiene. Smoking kills many bacteria in the mouth while vaping feeds them and can be a problem for some vapers.

Floss nighty if you're not already doing so and use Listerine afterwards.
Hi! Nice to meet you!
Ulcers may be caused not only with the vaping. It may just an additional trigger. I'd advice you to consult with your medic
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