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High blood pressure? Don't watch this


Jul 18, 2012
This is doing the rounds on FB to resounding condemnation from the Vaping community in the US.

I don't have the words to describe what I feel about these idiots. Just keep your flowers away from your ecigs ...and be a real man and smoke cigarettes..

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Vaping BAD!

Crystal Meth GOOD!

Or maybe it's just their camera


meth heads
I don't know where to start with this, but it really gave me a good laugh.

"if you wanna be a real man smoke a real cigarette" - dick with an uzi t-shirt looking out for da kids

I don't know why I spent any valuable brain time considering their scientific experiment, but maybe they didn't consider the dehydrating effect of vapor on the plant. I feel foolish for even analysing it lol

[edit] and of course vapor probably wouldn't dehydrate it - this is what these people do to me lol
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Two total muppets that require their empty heads banging together.That might just discourage her from rolling her eyes around like a poor imitator of Marty Feldman,though with the facial expressions I'd be hard pressed to decide if her Dad was Marty or Rowan Atkinson.Either way,they both should try learning some horticultural tips,like d'oh,water your flowers...not bury them in vapours from cigarettes or e-cigs.
Oh dear lol!! Well, guess they will be taken seriously NOT!! He looks a picture of health doesn't he? And the he/she must look great without all the face paint. Haven't laughed so much in ages :wanker:
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