I'm amazed that anyone would be remotely interested in analysing those 2 pillocks that closely,
I didn't need to sit here analysing them. It just made me laugh because I recognised it for what I think it is immediately. I don't need to analyse monty python or the office to find it funny either.
I may be completely wrong of course, but their arguments seem to be a big piss take of the anti-vaping movement (I know its tempting to react negatively because there are so many idiots out there for real not too far away from these too, but if you think about it for a moment they're hitting on lots of arguments we have against the anti-vapers quite cleverly to troll for a laugh). Right down to the swivel eyed loon display, the "this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs" advert that's so famous in the US, only with flowers rather than eggs this time, them being OK with tobacco cigarettes but not vaping, the "delicious flavors laced with death" comment, the whole astroturfing conspiracy thing.
If it's not a deliberate satire, then they've achieved the same thing accidentally imho, and I found it quite funny anyway.
I don't find their comments "satirical" just moronic.
I think that's the whole point:
" is an imitative work created to mock, comment on or trivialize an original work, its subject, author, style, or some other target, by means of satiric or ironic imitation."