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High Wattage Box Mod


Feb 16, 2014
Well hello guys

So today at work I thought feck to it I want a new dripper so I bought a Wotofo Atty3 looks the dogs dangly bits on my Evic VT but I wanted to run it at a way higher wattage so I went to throw it on my IPV4 so I whipped off my Velocity clone and started screwing it down and 5 minutes later still screwing.... The bleeding threads have stripped out somehow, no idea how seeing as the only dripper that was on there was my velocity and never taken it off.

So I find myself needing a good high wattage box. I want something that can fire down to a 0.1, don't give a dam about temp control as I hate building anything to do with it and I want more wattage than the IPV4. Budget wise... not SX mini kind of money so lets say £100.

Cheers guys and sorry about the life story but this is so much easier on the computer compared to a phone or tablet!
Well hello guys

So today at work I thought feck to it I want a new dripper so I bought a Wotofo Atty3 looks the dogs dangly bits on my Evic VT but I wanted to run it at a way higher wattage so I went to throw it on my IPV4 so I whipped off my Velocity clone and started screwing it down and 5 minutes later still screwing.... The bleeding threads have stripped out somehow, no idea how seeing as the only dripper that was on there was my velocity and never taken it off.

So I find myself needing a good high wattage box. I want something that can fire down to a 0.1, don't give a dam about temp control as I hate building anything to do with it and I want more wattage than the IPV4. Budget wise... not SX mini kind of money so lets say £100.

Cheers guys and sorry about the life story but this is so much easier on the computer compared to a phone or tablet!

X Cube 2 or Snow Wolf, both under £100.
Sig150 well inside the budget and practically bulletproof.
As far as the DNA200 goes need to wait for the reviews to come out before I commit to one.
Probably gonna have to go with the sig150 it's tried and tested and cheaper which is pretty important right now just forked put for my girls bloody new shoes
I swapped my Xcube II for a Sigelei 150WTC. And I'm much happier.
I'm sure the smok is an admirable beast. But it was in my opinion a bit unnecessarily complex.
You're not a fan then?

Is this professional or personal?

It's based on actually having one cluttering up my desk, it has lovely pretty lights but thats about it, menu is crap, button is just about OK but covers up the pretty light when youre actuall using it and just to finish it all off the door doesnt fit and just looking sideways at it will cover it in fingerprints...
It's based on actually having one cluttering up my desk, it has lovely pretty lights but thats about it, menu is crap, button is just about OK but covers up the pretty light when youre actuall using it and just to finish it all off the door doesnt fit and just looking sideways at it will cover it in fingerprints...

Every word you say is true, especially the door, what the fuck is that about? I was gonna send mine back then discovered they're all like that.

But.........I still love it..........must come from being a Spurs supporter.
Every word you say is true, especially the door, what the fuck is that about? I was gonna send mine back then discovered they're all like that.

But.........I still love it..........must come from being a Spurs supporter.

Ah, that would explain it. Don't worry, some nice men will be along soon with a delightful new jacket for you to wear on your visit to the room with the nice soft walls...:D:P
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