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How do i know what Volts/Wattage setting for innokin SVD???


Nov 13, 2013
Morning all; On my innokin svd with an iclear 30 clearomizer reading 2.1 ohms, how do i know what volts and wattage to set??? I think i have svd at the moment on 5.5 watts 4.2 volts. Is this too low or okay? Any advice would really help, i know nothing about electronics so keep it simple please...thanks
You are either Watts or Voltage setting, not both.. If you are 2.1 ohms, up to 8watts is the recommended for the "safe" area.

But its your choice. Start low and work your way up, find where it tastes the best for you and stick with it :)
Since you have a choice with the SVD use it in Watts, I find Wattage mode is more reliable and steady.

I vape 1.2-1.8ohm coils so around 8 or 9 watts is what I use.
Since you have a choice with the SVD use it in Watts, I find Wattage mode is more reliable and steady.

I vape 1.2-1.8ohm coils so around 8 or 9 watts is what I use.

so whats the maximum volts i should be using - 3 - 4 volts?
adjust it to what ever you want :P

If its giving you a burnt taste, lower it.
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