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How do you steep?


Aug 22, 2013
Well I only received my EVO D today. I put in the Cherry Cola VG 18 MG from Liberty Flight and started vaping.

I would say that the flavour is very weak. It hits the throat but not too comfortable. This may be because I am inhaling wrong perhaps? However the flavour is weak, and I believe that has some part to do with being VG and not PG. I don't enjoy the throat hit with pretty much no flavour at all LOL.

Some research on Youtube has suggested steeping. Any tips? Most vary their approach and it doesn't seem to be an exact science. I will try this so that I get some nice flavour at least and get to enjoy.
Everyone has their own method but basically where ever you put it try and leave it alone for about a week. I would have thought juice from liberty flights would probably already be perfectly well steeps so should be good to go from the off. Some folks steep on the window sill, some in a cupboard, some have a special box, some have the lid on and some prefer a little air so you are right that it is not yet an exact science, lol!
I just put mine in a dark cupboard and give it a shake and open every couple of days
Liberty flights make their juice to order unless it's a guest liquid.
I mix then put the mix in the airing cupboard for about 7 days.I open the bottle lid daily and give it a gentle swirling round the bottle for a few seconds every day, reseal and put back in. Unfortunately, most don't make it for the full 7 days as I can't wait!
OK my friend on a biker forum asked me did I leave the juice to settle for 5 mins. I sat there thinking, oh shit! It didn't say to wait on the instructions! This could be the answer to why it isn't that great a flavour! Bugger! I am a proper noob. I do have replacement heads so will try it out after a few days steeping. I don't want to take any chances now. It's definitely a learning experience.

I am trying the cupboard approach over a few days. I aim for 2 days with no lid, and then 3 days with. Apparently it darkens by 5 days, but this depends on the juice. Patience!
I generally leave the cap and dripper top for 24 hours then in a cupboard for another 6 days every 2 days cap off and squeeze the bottle to refresh the air in the bottle and to get a sneaky sniff and a good shake also ..

A warmer cupboard does have a greater effect on the speed also some do put there mixes in a cupboard with there hot water tank. also some ppl leave it on window sills for accelerating the process too I did try ones and the colour does change very quickly with certain liquids ( mainly VC goes deep red )

It also dependent on the concentrates you use most decent vendors have recommendations on how long or min time to steep for @leisureliquids is a very good vendor in the information on his site.
I find if I leave the lid off the flavour and smell seem to mute so I just stick them in a dark cool cupboard and take the caps of once a day give them a shake and put them back.
Spot the juices?


Ah there you are!

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