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How many of you are Labour Voters traditionally?

What party do you traditionally vote for?

  • Total voters
It depends I was brought up labour and my union is labour but.......
However I feel if you don't vote you have no right complaining about policies decisions etc.

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For me it has to be UKIP. On the last one I put "none of the above". Shame they don't put a box for that on the ballot paper to show just how we feel about them all. Libour will never leave the EU and Camoron and the LIbs won't give us a vote no matter what they say. We will end up giving more of our rights to the EU, so they don't have to do anything just say "it's not our fault it's the EU", I've written twice to millibund and no reply. I'll just wait untill they start coming round for their vote. Hopefully I can stay civil. LOL
17% none! that's fucking shocking

Given the drop in voter turnout at elections over the past few decades, it probably just represents the general disaffection the public feels when it comes to the main political parties these days.

If they feel that none of the parties really governs for them, then it's hardly surprising that they don't want to support them... and unfortunately, it would appear that the main parties tend to govern/legislate for corporate/financial interests, rather than the public who they are supposed to govern/legislate for.
I was brought up in a labour household but those days are long gone. There is no socialist party now. Me like I suspect more and more people every year are completely at a loss. I don't want any of the parties in power. The whole party politics and our voting system is flawed and it'll never be changed because there will always be a party in power and they want their payrises and perks. If the playing field was level and an average unaffiliated person could stand for prime minister they'd probably get the job over these party puppets but again, that will never happen.
We don't vote for who we want in power because the options are limited to parties.
I don't think I'm going to vote again as I don't think any of the parties can see past their 4 year terms and feel completely over governed. I'm proud to be British but also ashamed of this ridiculous system where we are governed into poverty and held back with rules and red tape. There's a good reason China and other non western countries are flourishing and that's because they aren't over governed. We are so tied up in red tape and bureaucrazy that we're suffocating. Devolution is needed in my opinion or maybe I'm just a grumpy old git. Both are true I suspect! :-)
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mmmmm...my backround should suggest labore but to be perfectly honest, i really couldnt give two fucks....

My dad got loads of work thru the 80s & 90's as a builder due to some major incentives he got from a tory govt at the time, he didnt pay a lot of tax because as long as he invested in the business, he got that in relief. Mum and Dad bought there council house (first home owners in the family)

So upbringing would be tory?......

However.....anybody who has lived in a london borough will know how neglected and run down they have become, and how corrupt and inept the labore run councils are....where i grew up is a slum, and a dangerous one at that, and when i took my son last year to where i was born, i was warned (yep fucking warned) by a twat in a tracky that they dont like strangers 'round here' CUNT....nearly nutted the prick.....

I honestly believe that we are in an era of complete and utter 'couldnotgiveafuck' towards politics in general....

Seriously, what difference is there between cameron/the other guy and milliband? All 3 are cunts......

If labore had anything about them they would get rid of the middle class freak that is milliband, and take back there party from the career politicos that all come from or live in north london, and have no real life experience (and i mean working life, not some think tank bollocks)

There is no clear difining line between any of the parties or the leadership......apathy is all any politician wants.....

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Grew up in a very working class household. Went off to get a job when I finished school, was even a area rep for union at one point. But those days are gone and with mr milliband seemingly forgetting whose block vote got him the labour leadership I feel lost at sea. I'd never vote for the tories and they are the only real alternative. The lib dems are full of it, and that idiot in charge of ukip really needs to stop spreading fud.

Rant over :D
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