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how much is too much money to spend on a mod?


Jan 15, 2018
so theres a new vape shop that has opened. I saw this mod which is beautiful. 120 quid. how much would you spend on a mod? I've promised my husband i'm not buying any more mods. its getting out of hand now.
Whatever sum suits your pocket and financial circumstances is fine, but I always think hard before spending mega bucks. Invariably I am drawn more towards the hard to find, or no longer made kit, which has a habit of commanding serious dosh. Fine when I can comfortably afford it, but I will not put myself into debt just to secure a piece of exotica.
Something is only worth what somebody is prepared to pay.
Ill look out for your pic in the vape mail thread lol!
What's expensive to one may be cheap to another, I wouldn't be able to afford £120 on a mod, besides my wife would kill me.
so theres a new vape shop that has opened. I saw this mod which is beautiful. 120 quid. how much would you spend on a mod? I've promised my husband i'm not buying any more mods. its getting out of hand now.
In order to keep the OH sweet how about trading in something?
What's expensive to one may be cheap to another, I wouldn't be able to afford £120 on a mod, besides my wife would kill me.
You and me both! I tried raising the question of getting a new one and got (the look)! That was the end of that conversation.
You and me both! I tried raising the question of getting a new one and got (the look)! That was the end of that conversation.
I recently Just purchased some vape equipment so I wouldn't dare push it:D
The sensible answer is whatever you can afford, personally I think if bills are paid, you have food on the table and you have some spare cash, then treat yourself, we all work hard for our money, treating yourself now and again ain’t a crime, just don’t let it get outta control....
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