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how often do you need to buy new batterys?

For me, age is irrelevant.
My 10 sets of batteries all live in pairs, and get used in rotation. If a pair become unbalanced or damaged, then they get replaced regardless of age. Out of the last 2 sets that got replaced, 1 was over 3 years old and the other less than 4 months.
how often do you need to replace batterys?
Hi. I have a number of batteries that are matched/married and are 2 yrs old and still going strong. Two singles too. So to me, when they only last a tank or two when previously, say in a double battery mod lasted at least 3 or more, then I will consider it. But right now after 2 1/2 yrs vaping, thereabouts, they are still all in service. Did retire a couple that were damaged but none from loss of serviceable life. Watch for damaged wraps, some wraps are appalling garbage.
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