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how to wire an illuminated fire button on an sx350

I did come across that video earlier.

I have little knowledge in electronics but as i understand it, if you wired it that way on a VW/VV board, the LED will be brighter or dimmer depending on the wattage/voltage set on the board, unless its connected directly to the battery in which case you'll need a switch to turn it on and off when the button is pressed which is where the mosfet comes into it.

Could be wrong, im learning as i go here.
The resistor is there to pull the voltage down so's not to burnout the led. Get the average voltage that you vape at and use the wizard to get your resistor value, you should see no change in the brightness
of the led.
The resistor is there to pull the voltage down so's not to burnout the led. Get the average voltage that you vape at and use the wizard to get your resistor value, you should see no change in the brightness
of the led.

Alright, suppose its worth a try if it means less wiring, if not there are other options, cheers mate
If i go the mosfet route, will i need to use 20 gauge wire for the complete circuit since its direct from the battery?
Has everyone decided what the best way to wire these switches up is? I'd like to do a page on the site to help people so any input would be good. Cheers
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