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Broadside mech very hard to fire/not firing

You should get using it! Honestly the broadside is one of my favourite mechs, just remember the battery goes in the opposite way with the positive side down at the fire button on that mod.

I never put batteries in positive down, it's just too dangerous. If the mech won't fire I'd rather get rid of it. Still to find one that won't fire positive up.
On the topic of paint removal, have you tried a rolling boil with baking soda?
I never put batteries in positive down, it's just too dangerous. If the mech won't fire I'd rather get rid of it. Still to find one that won't fire positive up.
Oh the mech does work with the battery in the positive up position, just the leaflet that came with the mod said to use it positive side down. I wouldn't do this on any old mech, I only do it where the inside is fully insulated to prevent any shorts.

The mod is firing as it should now, it just needed a good clean for the contacts.
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