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Sep 22, 2013
Watch a dudes. Dutydruid (ray) from Sheffield. Have been of the Cigs for five weeks now and don't think I will ever go back to the accursed things. Smoked for thirty three ish years. Been vaping for about a year. And have progressed from the cheap and nasties to fully rebuildables a on a vamo 2. Just waiting for a new smok magneto and then a dripper to play with. Been making coils for around six or seven months. Went into my local shop and was surprised to find that I was the first one there to have built and tested micro coils. Any way less of me, pleasure to be joining like minded bods.
Hi & Welcome to the Planet

Pull up a chair and enjoy the Vape
Watch a dudes. Dutydruid (ray) from Sheffield. Have been of the Cigs for five weeks now and don't think I will ever go back to the accursed things. Smoked for thirty three ish years. Been vaping for about a year. And have progressed from the cheap and nasties to fully rebuildables a on a vamo 2. Just waiting for a new smok magneto and then a dripper to play with. Been making coils for around six or seven months. Went into my local shop and was surprised to find that I was the first one there to have built and tested micro coils. Any way less of me, pleasure to be joining like minded bods.

:welcome1: Well done, you won't want to go back to the stinkies, 'cos that's exactly what they are, hope you enjoy it here, best forum in the Universe xx Linda
Hi and welcome from little old me :) Enjoy your stay on the Planet :)
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