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Hello, I got a v1p kit. I wanted a cig look or something not so conspicuous anyway.
I've started looking at vv kits though...

That's how I started with the cig likes, you have certainly come to the right place if you want to look at VV loads of threads and don't be afraid to ask any questions
:welcome1:Enjoy the planet, it has many hidey holes to explore and more and more shiny things grab you and make you want more.
Alright, Wigglypops, welcome to POTV, jacvapour is a great kit to start with, good power for a cigalike, and as long as it works, it is all good
Thanks for the welcome, guys
Early days but I've not had a normal cig for 2 days now. That's the longest I've gone without one for about 20 years, even the threat of a dry socket wasn't enough.
I think this vaping thing might be for me :)
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