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I absolutely love sub ohms!


Apr 1, 2014
My first couple coils were .9-.8 ohms, which weren't bad for being my first coils but... I didn't really count them as sub ohm coils, you know? I just got done tinkering and pulled off a .33 ohm coil (well, setup- 2 coils)! I gotta say, she vapes like a DREAM. For those who are curious, its twisted 28 gauge kanthal wrapped 8 times around a 1/16 inch drillbit. I get amazing vapor production and the vape is really... Full bodied. The only downside is that she DEVOURS the juice- like 3-4 hits, maybe 5 per fill. Still, she puts out and that's what matters.
Here's the picture I snapped of the old girl


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Lookin good dude. I'll be doing a similar build once I get better batteries.
Looks good! Shame I haven't got into coil building yet. Really need to get into it soon!
Looks good! Shame I haven't got into coil building yet. Really need to get into it soon!

After you can wrap coils that aren't overlapping and whatnot, I recommend the HELL out of this coil. It is amazing. Favorite so far.
Looks good but I would move the one on the right over a little so it's more in line with the air hole.. It'll give you a cooler vape and won't burn the juice as easily.
Looks good but I would move the one on the right over a little so it's more in line with the air hole.. It'll give you a cooler vape and won't burn the juice as easily.

Thanks! I might do that later today.
I started off hating any RDA, these days I'm using 1 as my adv device. I have also started sub-ohm building, though preferred my coils bang on 0.34 ohms(all my devices were exactly 0.34 ohms)
The other night, I'd spent an hour or 2 adding additional air holes on my Origen clone and then rebuilt the whole device as the insulators were melted and contaminating the vape(silicon tastes bloody awful)and decided that the as the coils were starting to rust I'd rewind them too. I'm now on 0.22 ohms, and the clouds it chucks out can make me hiccup if I take a few draws extra, it has also cured me of chain-vaping. I get hiccups, or a headache or just start to feel nauseous on the 13mg so today I've mixed some 8mg and it's lush:P

posted by an idiot via [email protected] ohms:P
A friend of mine bought an A8 RBA and I think his insulators are burnt too- No matter how many coils or different wicks are put in it they all taste burnt. I might look at that today.
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