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I accidently quit smoking!


Oct 8, 2015
Hi Everyone,

My name is Si. I was a pack-a-day smoker for 20 years and I've been lurking around here for the past 3 months since I started researching vaping for a work colleague.

Back in the summer a lady I work with who had smoked 30 fags a day for the past 30 years developed a nasty cough. It was a proper 'hacking' cough that would last a good few minutes once it started and leave her red-faced and gasping for air. Every day she would randomly have these coughing fits, so naturally a few of us started to tell her she needed to go to the doctors and get it sorted out. We were met with comments like "I'll be okay once i've had a fag" and "i'm not going to the doctors, they'll tell me it's a virus and there's nothing they can do".

In reality she was more worried that the doctors were going to diagnose her with cancer, or at the minimum tell her she'd got to stop smoking.

The coughing fits lasted 6 weeks before we finally bullied her into going to the doctors. The doctor made an appointment for her to go to hospital for tests a few days later. She went for the tests and was told she'd get the results within 2 weeks but she really should stop smoking.

There were only 2 of us at work who smoked and no vapers (small company). I said that as she wasn't computer savvy i'd have a look online and see what these e-cigs were all about, as it might be her only choice depending on the test results. That's when I stumbled across you wonderful apes!

After a few evenings of research it seemed the iStick 30 and mini Nautilus was the ideal combo to try. Lots of recommendations and more importantly lots of success stories of people quitting using that gear. I went into work on the Thursday morning excited about the positive info i'd found here and told her all about it. She gave me £50 and said to order the kit and she'd try it.

Being a sucker for gadgets and after learning about the 'vaping community' I couldn't resist but order a kit for myself too, I needed to see what all the fuss was about.

The 2 kits arrived at work on the Friday morning. I set mine up with some cheap 18mg tobacco eliquid that I ordered at the same time. I'm not sure, in hindsight, whether I burnt the cotton in the first bvc coil, but either way we both tried it and agreed it tasted bloody horrible! Luckily I'd also ordered some 18mg Red Astaire, we tried that in the other Nautilus and it was much better! We both went home for the weekend with our new toys all full of RA.

Amazingly, that was the last day (2nd October 2015) that either of us smoked a cigarette! Pretty amazing considering that I hadn't even thought of quitting the stinkies. I have to admit we've both had our moments and craved the odd fag, but on the whole the switch has been pretty effortless. No doubt it's easier when you're not doing it alone though.

The lady at work (now my vape-buddy) had her results back 10 days after the test. She was diagnosed with mild COPD which although not great was quite a relief to her. Her doctor was really impressed that she'd gone a week without smoking. Oh and since starting vaping she hasn't had a single coughing fit!

Apologies for the long first post, but there you go, that's how I accidently quit smoking.

Great story ... thanks for sharing that. Best wishes to both of you in your vaping.
This is the reason we exist, to help, encourage, and pass on the benefits - oh and to empty our wallets buying shiny things...:grin2:
Hi Si and welcome to the Planet.

firstly congratz to you and your work colleague. best decision you both will ever make.

like you i started on a pen type for 2 weeks and then got a istick30 and mini nautilus and the rest is history.
11 months later and ive not had a single cig after a 20-30 a day habbit for 30 years.

also if you have not done so yet can you please sign the petition and send the link to your colleague http://100thousand.com/take-part/
Congratulations and very well done both.

The health benefits will only get better.
Hello and welcome! :D

That really is a great story, well done to both of you and I hope you both really enjoy your journey into 'vapedom'. I had a similar history to your friend, with a troublesome cough that has now gone, when I started vaping - best thing I've done for a long time. :)
Hi Si and welcome :) good to hear that she's got no coughing and vaping it away :) and You as well :) I still keep my Nautilus and coming back to it when I think I need mtl every so often ;)

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