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I accidently quit smoking!

:2thumbsup: Hello @firetrappe ,nice to meet you Mate!!!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

I feel like I know a lot of you already from reading all your posts. Hopefully now I know a little bit about vaping I can join in and give a little back.

I've already caught Shineyitus from you lot. 3 months in and i'm up to 4 mods, 3 tanks, 1 rba, 1 rda, oh and i've got an eVic VTC Mini being delivered tomorrow :27:

@MrDJ Thanks for mentioning the petition. I already signed it before Christmas, and got everyone else at work to sign it too (after i'd explained the TPD fiasco to them all). I'm just glad I found out about vaping when I did. It's the smokers that only find out about it in 12 months time that I feel sorry for. Once all the old stock has been sold off and a lot of online resources could have disappeared, they might not be as fortunate as myself :(
Thank you for your great story so far. I am really glad to know about your story. However, I also quit smoking over 6 months ago. And I was used e-cigarettes. I would like to give big thanks to https://www.blacknote.com/store/

This method has helped me to quit. :)
You've done great, well done. Reckon you were lucky choosing a Nautilus, it's a great little tank and helped me stop the cigs.
Keep it up, you'll never regret the move over to vaping.:2thumbsup:
Loved that story thanks for sharing, and welcome to the planet! Hope that both you and your workmate keep off the cigs and vape on for as long as you need to, your concern and generosity of spirit might just have saved that lady suffering many years with a horrible, miserable and debilitating condition, and inadvertently you've done something wonderful for yourself at the same time! That's a story all made out of win in my book - good on ya!!
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