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I am new at this


Feb 3, 2015
So I must admit I have NO CLUE what I am doing when it comes to vaping. Well I mean I mean I know how to use what I have and I know that I tend to be a fan of slightly sweet e-liquids. long in a short I got into vaping because my doctor was bugging the crap out of me to quit smoking. so I got a cheap e cig and quit and now I have upgraded (slightly) and have started to really take a liking to all of this. But any how I'll show you what I have got. I want to hear all kinds of recommendations. I love that you guys are so into this and I really think this is something I could get really into myself I am just so lost with it all.


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Firstly congrats on making the switch, you're in for an awesome journey :) The Kanger EMOW device you have is pretty decent as far as I know for a starter kit so congrats on the purchase! I fully understand how much of a minefield vaping is and that feeling of being "lost" but you are in a good place with good people here to help so don't ever hesitate to post anything :)

If it's juice you are looking for there are plenty of good sites out there! Perhaps someone with more experiance can help you out as well but I guess of the top of my head in tersm of "sweet" Digybs Custard is reviewed pretty highly!

Welcome and good luck on your journey :)
hello and welcome.
You seem to be enjoying the vaping, so all is good.
Take your time gather the info then make your choices of where you want to go with it.

You win the best forum name!!

Ah yes, the whole, lets try find a juice or two that I like. I'm STILL searching after 6 odd months.

Digbys Oriental Plunder/Apple and Cinnamon
Suicide Bunny - Mothers Milk and original milk
Mrs Lords Ginger Nut
i am loving the feedback!!!! and glad to know even though i am a complete noob i have made some decent choices.

As far as my forum name THANK YA MUCH!!!!!!!
Welcome to POTV! I think everyone on here is searching for the 'one' juice. I know I am!
Hope you enjoy the Forum, just watch out for rogue kittens (they're out to get us, y'know).

Note to self: Cut down on the coffee intake.
Hi and welcome to the forums...the list of juices and shiny lovely vaping things is endless. Nothing wrong with your kit, we like a bit of vape porn on this site! My favourite juice is lime cream cupcake el diablo. And yes you can taste the different layers, so much better than fags!
Welcome, whatever you enjoy is what is best for you. There is no right or wrong answer really as long as it works for you and keeps you off the stinkies :-) I only have 3 juices that I really like and a massive shelf full of failed attempts.
Welcome :)

Taste is subjective. "One mans trash is another mans treasure" and all that. Just have a hunt around for different juices.

If you like sweet juices I recommend VapingKing. Good prices considering the quality and consistency of his mixes and a wide range of juices.

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