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i have RDA hell vape passage

Does it still say ohm too low when you say yes it's a new coil? Also have you tested it on a separate ohm meter or are you using your mod as the ohm meter?
using my mod and it still dont work when i say yeah and i think its cuz of the coil cuz it works with single but not 2 my mod is a smoke T priv
Resistance is too low at a guess. Need more info like make of mod, resistance of coils being used, type/material of coil.
smoke T priv HELLVAPE PASSAGE RDA had 2 coils ohm at 0.07ohm
Resistance is too low, needs to be 0.1ohm or higher in power mode. Protection is kicking in to prevent the mod firing coils that low.
That will be why it's not firing as I reckon the coil is far too low for most mods... are you sure you mean 0.07
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