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If nobody has mentioned it so far, you might want to look at the Pico Squeeze ;)

I'd recommend a Vandy Vape Pulse 22mm, single coil postless is really easy to install on.

If you don't build your own coils you could buy pre-made couls from either a decent b&m, fasttech or from the like of our owm @Smut .
The UD ones that dw1986 reviewed in the main review section are very good. They do some 0.5 ohm stainless Clapton coils which I use a lot and are only a couple of quid from ft.
Pico squeeze is semi regulated and will max out at 50W so building a higher ohm coil may be better as low ohm coils will just hit the maximum 50w and limit vapour production.
Pico squeeze is a must (i got 3 )as most will testify too and rda go for the hadaly or wasp nano, have seen a few that recormend the soul s
Just ordered my first squonk from fasttech, squeeze and hadaly..... Should be dispatched nextt few days [emoji3]
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