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Ignorance and education


Jul 18, 2012
I went out last night to an old haunt of mine, the Jubilee pub in Norwich to see a favourite local band of mind and maybe see a few old faces again. I knew the landlord Tim is dead against ecigs but I figured it wouldn't be a problem. It has a big beer garden and as the band play in the conservatory it isn't as if we couldn't hear them. Landlady Katy is fine with them but Tim is the boss. They are both smokers.

I was sat Vaping with my girlfriend Melanie, outside, breathing in the smoke from 20-30 smokers around us when Tim came over. Quite PROUDLY he starts to tell me how he threw someone out of the pub a while back for using an ecig. He said the guy was standing near the door and the 'smoke' was coming in to the conservatory. He wouldn't have that in his pub oh no. Weird because when we sat in the conservatory later to get closer to the band the smoke from the outside seating area was palpable. My shirt still smells.

I asked him why he did that and btw it isn't smoke. He said it looks like smoke so it is smoke and it upsets people. I said but that's about education Tim. If someone says he's got a fag, you say No he hasn't. He looked at me like I'd said something monumentally obvious and true. He hadnt thought of that. So he changed tack. He said they won't catch on. His evidence for this was he knew someone THREE yrs ago who started selling them, and he went out of business. Jeez.

I started to give him some facts but his eyes glazed over, becoming distracted with another customer so he stopped the conversation with ' the days of smoking in pubs is well and truly over Mark, I see all your Vaping posts on Facebook but it won't make any difference' and walked away.

I wanted to say so much more but Tim isn't the kind of person you want to ruck with and it is his pub at the end of the day but it did put a bit of a dampener on the evening. Landlords have a lot of influence and it's clear from the clientele....and a majority of them smoke..that they were ignorant of ecigs and what they know or think they know about them is influenced by Tims view. We got a few ' have a proper fag' and ' they look like silly flutes in yer mouths' type comments.

We had a good evening anyway but it has made me reflect. Ignorance I can cope with. But where people with real power and influence, people who could help change and even save lives wear their ignorance with pride, that gets me down.

Thank goodness for pubs like the Plasterers and cafes like the Boho
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Great post Mark. Make sure he gets a copy of the mag when I get them to you, it may just make him think a little more.
It's a real shame Russ. It's a great community type pub with a fine rep for its ales and community events. I've always got on with Tim and Katy and I have some great memories there.
All is not lost - things are moving at a fast pace now with the good studies coming out and more and more investment by the 'big companies', soon ecigs will become more widely accepted as a matter of course. Perhaps Tim will move his position in the coming months.
Yep :) I think everyone is catching on and the Pubs will follow :) Don't lose faith, hand him a Cam Vip Mag and say "Look!"
Nice post mate, there is no limit to some peoples ignorance. I can't understand how anyone can be anti-egic. The "smoke" thing is of course total nonsense. My guess is that he is still really p**sed off at the nanny state smoking ban (as many people still are) and doesn't like this new kid on the block.

The biggest problem that ecigs will face in the future is that the government will not be happy when they realize that they are not making any money out of them. They have a very cozy relationship with big pharma company's that make the patches/gum etc. but make nothing from ecigs.

Expect ecigs to be the next thing to be demonized. That will not happen for some time because they are still way too busy demonizing smokers.

They have scored a huge own goal because they will lose out on smokers changing to ecigs, and they are also losing out more and more each day to people switching to buying their ciggys off of Mr White Van Man.
Ecigs have upset the merrygoround of Smoke (lovely tax revenue) then NRT ( lovely tax revenue) then start again because 95% of NRT users fail after 12 months and start smoking once more (lovely tax revenue ) until they try the NRT again.....etc
Nothing wrong in taxing anti social unhealthy products I guess but on what basis will they seek punitive taxation on a product which has a health profile no more dangerous in proper usage than caffeine? That's a dilemma for them I think. They've had a long time to think about it for sure. Factually fewer people will die from Vaping than using a toaster.
Very true Mark, that is why we can expect a full on assault on ecigs in the future with all kinds of untruths being bandied about and quoted as fact (from the likes of the BBC.) We do have time on our hands though because they are far too busy with the smokers.
Very true Mark, that is why we can expect a full on assault on ecigs in the future with all kinds of untruths being bandied about and quoted as fact (from the likes of the BBC.) We do have time on our hands though because they are far too busy with the smokers.
Which in itself is a negative in a way because whilst the assault on smoking tobacco continues unabated with fewer and fewer places for a smoker to enjoy his habit unmolested these same places become 'clean' environments which joe public doesn't then want to see full of vapour because the association with smoking is so strong. It's one reason why some pub chains like wether spoons ( soulless places, the MacDs of the pub world) have a policy against them.
Weren't they the idiots that introduced a smoking ban in their pubs BEFORE the actual ban kicked in back in 2007? Shameless behavior.

Bottom line is the do-gooders do not like anyone to have fun, the attacks will continue, not only on ciggys and then e-cigs, alcohol, fast food, fatty food, salt and sugar are all next, it's just a matter of time.
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