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IGO Dripper No Vapour


Feb 8, 2014
right started a new thread....so no luck with the igo-l it produces very little vapour...half the amount my standard evod atty does...and doesnt taste great either...here is the new coil i made a few mins ago its coming in at 2.3ohm... any idea what im doing wrong? i drilled out airhole to i think its 2mm or 2.5mm hole now

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On the third picture you have burnt your cotton you need to keep it wet you could also try a micro coil or space that coil more evenly
yeah i was pressing the fire button alot to get the coils to light up and it burnt the cotton but wasnt working before that either. i did try micro coil but kept springing back lol that was smallest i could get it
When doing a micro coil pulse it to get it glowing and then squeeze it till it cools and it should hold it's shape ( do not fire it whilst squeezing with the tweezers) and make sure you wrap them as close as possible to start with.
thanks guy i made another and tis working bit better...il get some pics up
Straighten up that coil a bit...it looks a mess

It also looks like you dont have enough cotton in there... and you burnt it.
You're building your coil on the wrong side. ;)
*EDIT* unless your using one of them cameras that flips the photo into a mirror image.
I would try microcoils, so much easier to get good results with

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