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In at the (not quite) deep end

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Deleted member 58360

Hi, have an essay :)

Nearly a couple of weeks ago I decided that after about 28 years I was entirely fed up with smoking ;)

So, I had a bit of a discussion with a mate about vaping and finally made up my mind.

I obviously did loooooaaaaads of research (had a look on eBay, thought the ego type pens for about 4 quid looked fine for a start), but ended up taking the wife into town to have a look in the shops.

She came home with an entirely sensible first kit of an aspire spryte and a few little bottles of juice.

Me being me - I'll ignore everyone including the guys in the shops...

An aegis legend and a manta MTL rta followed me home along with a pack of cotton and 30ft of wire - if you're gonna do something... ;)

I've since got a second manta (I really like it, but swapping out a wick or coil out at work just isn't happening) and a couple of RDAs, and the wife is upgrading (by stealing one of my tanks and getting a new mod)...

But hey, no combustion since about 2:30pm on the 12th Oct.

Coming soon - homemade mech :noob:
Hi and welcome. That certainly is going in at the deep end. Good luck
:hello: and :welcome1:to the planet ......
Wow that is a big jump from someone looking at buying a £4 ego pen hope you enjoy mate after spending all that money.....
Cheers guys.

hope you enjoy mate after spending all that money.....

It's been an effortless swap from cigs, and (so far at least) every vape* is like that 1% of cigs that's actually enjoyable.

Plus the techy side helps too, playing with different coil configurations and stuff is interesting.

And yeah, it's sort of a lot of money if you look at the receipts :17: - top tip, don't look at the receipts - but as a comparison we're currently on about 5 week's baccy money so as long as we stop buying stuff (:doh:) we'll be technically in profit at the start of December.

*I've been struggling with this actually, what do people call it?

It was easy before - "I'm nipping out for a fag" or "just going for a smoke".

"I'm going for a vape" just sounds silly...
Welcome to the forum, i was the same eight years ago just got fed up of smoking rolling and stinking.

Hi and welcome to the Forum. Great story and watch out for the Shinyitus
I like to say “puff”. I hate the word vape. Others seem to like it. Well done, sounds like you are doing ok. :)
Welcome and well done to you both!
Like @zouzounaki I say im going for a puff, I find people saying 'im going for a vape' really odd. I also refer to my vape as my puffer
Hi there and welcome to the forum.

Do it your way and enjoy the journey!! There's no right or wrong as long as it keeps you off the ciggies :D
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