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Dec 29, 2013
Ok nice and easy one...
Im looking for advise and input on whom to buy E Liquid from?
It would appear I have Tried a few and some bad some very good..
The least nicest was from eBay 10ml 18mg at £2.99 called Eeze-quit and the best I've tried is from a company call Nucig at 20ml 18mg at £8.50 but there is a delivery charge. Basicly if like to save money but don't want to compromise quality :) thanks guys I'm new buy the way (Waves)
hi Darth_Vaper ...there are plenty of vendors on the marketplace and discount codes list at the top of the site .also if you want to buy bulk ,i use bargain vapours its an irish site selling hangsen 100ml bottles for 15 ish quid ...delivered
Have you Tried these yourself Gary? Don't wanna get stung and left with a nasty taste in my mouth lol I've realised lately that cheap ant always best??
You'll come across loads of vendors in the forums too. Welcome to the planet by the way. :)
Check out the vendors on here. Ebay is not the best place to buy e-liquid.
Have a look in the review section also. You can get a good idea of what you might like from reading posts in there. Good luck.
The people who sell e-liquid, e-cigs, batteries, mixing kits etc.

You will know who is a vendor here as they will have the vendor banner in orange in their usernames on here, Or you can go to the vendors sections on this forum.

Have a scoot about this place and you will find them. :)
Thanks midnight I think this is the best thing since the birth of the iPhone lol would like to find a good liquid what do you find the best non flavour ones like b&H or other top brands?
There are a number of online shops who promote their wares here and offer discount codes to forum users. These are all legit vendors, not the fast-buck, fly-by-nights you'll find on ebay

I moved into mixing my own within a week of starting on my first ego kit, and I've not found a commercial juice to match what I can make myself (though, granted, as I am making my own, I haven't invested in any of the more popular - but slightly more expensive - juices).
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