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Independent (bleurg) - ecig use on the rise in teenagers …

Give the kids £1 off for returning empties and they will soon clear the streets:)
The only thing I see around here are those whipped cream canisters the kiddies are inhaling but I’m semi rural and can imagine it being a big problem in the cities.

less smoking is good, all the plastic litter is bad. I know a few people who have used a disposable to see if it’s something they could get on with to make the switch as it’s only a few quid and less hassle. But I agree with many above that the disposables should be treated more like cigarettes and maybe restricted to places that will actually follow the age regulations, the bland packaging like with cigarettes applying to anything with nicotine I don’t see being a problem, secret shoppers etc, all the tools used to fight people selling fags and drink to underage.
I think .. either either the above (secret shoppers etc) or possibly just restricting their sale to vape outlets - which tend to be a bit more out the way than the corner shop on the way home, and less likely to dodge the age limits.

That second option would be a boost for the industry as well .. considering how many vape shops are closing.
That second option would be a boost for the industry as well .. considering how many vape shops are closing.

it would also expose the people buying them to other - less expensive and less destructive - devices.
From the same article.......

Teenagers’ drug and cigarette use declines as vaping gains popularity – figures

“But while further action on vaping is needed, it is still only a small minority of children vaping and it is encouraging to see that the NHS Digital survey finds youth smoking has continued to decline, as smoking is far more harmful than vaping.”

Overall surely that's more positive than negative.

The real issue is underage sales and products that don't conform with the regulations.
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