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International Language of Vaping :)


Jan 26, 2013
Well, I must admit this week, it has been a bit of a mixed bag with Vaping, its had its highs and its had its lows. But I want to share a real unique experience that happened earlier today, which even on its own; even in my own little world, has made this journey really worth it.

I am not ashamed to admit it, but I am currently suffering a ‘mid-life crisis’! Before you all recoil back in horror, it is a career one, not a relationship one. I have for the last 20 odd years worked ‘behind the scenes’, because one of my downsides is I am too ‘honest’ and a bit of a grumpy bastard, so I am apparently better off out of the way.
Over the last few months, I have been feeling that I have missed out on the big wide world and my first real love and passion, and that is meeting people. Irrespective of race, culture or creed, I find something really endearing about people from all walks of life. At the same time as giving up the stinkies, I have gone for a complete new career path, working within a maintenance department for a privately run holiday park close to where I live. I started a couple of weeks ago, and bought some subtle vaping gear for work. This consisted of an eGo and CE4 setup, nice and discreet.

Well first off, I am really startled about the reaction I have received from the owner and his family taking into consideration they have never been smokers, they have been more than understanding, and have no issues anywhere I want to vape. We even having a saying now of ‘Vaping Moment’, which I will explain at a later date.
Anyhow, we are quite a mixture of people, which includes some of our Eastern European Brothers and Sisters, but unfortunately, they tend to keep themselves to themselves, and whilst always hard working and pleasant, conversation is really rather minimal. Now unfortunately my knowledge of any foreign language, probably matches that of the policeman off of ‘Allo ‘Allo. Again, I digress!

I have decided now to take the VAMO to work in 18650 mode, as I have nothing to be embarrassed about, and if I am honest, it’s the only bit of kit, that gives me the ‘kick’ I need. Well this morning, as I was obliviously vaping away, on my way to the tool shed, I encountered a Polish man and his partner, coming the other way. As I was about to nod my head in acknowledgment of them, the girl pointed, smiled and shrieked something that I could not recognise.

The man stopped me, smiling and in very broken English pointed to my mod and muttered VAMO! After about 5 minutes of discussing, nodding and not understanding each other, I then recognised my second word ‘eGo’ as they both pulled eGo’s out of their pockets. They were Vapers! Whilst, I could not understand what they were saying, they instantly became my friends. I even took my CE4 off of the VAMO, and handed them the body. Keenly, the girl unscrewed her CE4 and placed it onto the VAMO, and took a nice long drag, passing it to her boyfriend to do the same. Once I received my VAMO back, the girl proceeded to talk through her boyfriend, who asked me to come to their caravan at lunchtime to see them. Now I am not usually that ‘type of guy’ but I couldn’t wait.

When the clock struck 1, I made my way, and knocked on the door. With that, the lady opened the door greeted me in, and proceeded to give me a small bottle of juice. This juice was a gift to me, from them, made by themselves!! Sitting down to a coffee, and whilst I loved them dearly, there coffee was shite, I started to fill my CE4 up with this liquid, fired up the VAMO, and boy was it beautiful. A real fresh tangy citrus taste, but with a hint of menthol. Before I knew it, lunchtime was over; I shook his hand, gave her a hug, and was on my way, with my new juice tucked away safely in my pocket.

I can’t stop smiling now. This experience would not of happened if I wasn’t a vaper! Now I wonder if it will have the same effect on Women!! So could I please recommend to all diplomatic envoys, to carry with them vaping gear, that way it’s guaranteed that we will have less conflict in the world. Vaping is certainly not just a lifestyle choice, but a way of life.

Needless to say, I will repay the compliment tomorrow, by bearing gifts of coffee, because by Christ theirs was rank! Sorry for my ramble :)
Great story, I had an appreciative nod from a vaper on a train today as I was chugging away on my ego. Not quite the same but made me smile
I thought it was going to get all porno once the caravan door opened :ape:
Likewise lol It was a polish driver at my work that technically got me in to vaping and he had an ego with a CE4 plonked on top of it. He thought I was going to confiscate it when I seen him vaping it in front of his bus. I managed to get him to show me it so I took a toot and within a day I had one of my own :)
I thought it was going to get all porno once the caravan door opened :ape:

Meh, I wish it would of, but interesting or exciting things like that dont happen to me anymore, I think its to do with my age ;)

Gave them some proper coffee this morning, you would of thought I had given them the world!
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