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Is the mesh thing still a thing?

Each to their own of course, there are fans of Genesis atties here who may disagree with you ;)
I like fiddling with things! are there any Genasis type atty's available now? did have a quick search without any luck.
Mate you will have your full fiddle on, all the time, and no time to do anything else :)
Also get a load of gas at ready (you will need it).
Research has proven that genny users are more sexually attractive than other types of vapers. This is a fact.
Genesis tanks are the nicest looking tanks ever made in my opinion, I have a few but they are just looking nice rather than being used.

The In'Ax tanks are centre post, the Origen Genesis mk2 v2 can be built with mesh - even dual mesh wick, I spent some hours trying to build it like that and failed.
Replying to the topic (and yes, I DO see it as 2 years old):
I've jumped into in the end of last year...
And while recently (preparing to decrease the liquid flow, mesh is thirsty) I am dealing partially with the MTL, I do enjoy the Wotofo's Profile RDTA (as RDA), Profile PS, Kylin M....
Yet, it is more and more difficult to source the tanks, mods... everything goes to podisposable s**t... :(
I remember a few years ago watching a you tube of a guy holding a square of mesh over a candle for ages, then rolling it and building the atty, it`s about at this point that I decided the concept may be sound but who in their right mind would want to put themselves through all that. I do like the idea of trapping a loosely rolled wad of cotton or rayon under an arch of mesh in a bottom feed atty where the usual capillary wicking wont be an issue, I`m hoping that the comparatively massive reservoir of juice available for atomisation and the large area of mesh heated will give sublime flavour, I suppose I`ll find out when my profile arrives and I put in my first build in it.
Well I finally got my hands on my first mesh atty, a Wotofo profile RDTA but I`m only using the top section as a RDA and it is easy peasy to build and puts out awesome flavour, I would recommend it without hesitation if that`s your thing.
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