I got a little 18350 mod I put together out of spare bits but it's a little bit too little. It's fine with 16340 batteries but I reckon that if someone manufacturers some 18340 batteries (just for me) then it'll be even better with a few more mah's.Really, it goes, 18350, then 16340, that is the deal, though god only knows that due to size disparities in brands and manufacturing there may be some that are more like 18340s, or any other random number in that vicinity that you could care to imagine, but anyways, why the hunt in the first place, if I may arsk, m'lud?
I got a little 18350 mod I put together out of spare bits but it's a little bit too little. It's fine with 16340 batteries but I reckon that if someone manufacturers some 18340 batteries (just for me) then it'll be even better with a few more mah's.