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Is this it?

You are not the only one.
According the the clinical psychologist Richard Bentall on this mornings, A life Scientific on radio4

About 60% of us are coping well with no more distress or mental problems.
About 25% are a bit fucked up by it all.
Some small number are fucked up but then they always were, even without the pandemic.
About 10% are doing better mentally than they were before the pandemic

It's an 18 month study, starting July 2020.


About 60% of us are coping well with no more distress or mental problems.

Highly resilient, shown no signs of psychological distress.

About 25% are a bit fucked up by it all.

Increases of anxiety and depression over time.

Some small number are fucked up but then they always were, even without the pandemic.

Always been highly distressed, they have had persistent mental illness, for a long time.

About 10% are doing better mentally than they were before the pandemic

Richard Bentall didn't know who these people are, but it's in the data. His guess is that they are people who've got good marriages, they're secure in their jobs, they've probably got older children at home.

The people who do badly are generally people who are younger.
They have small kids at home.
They've got preexisting mental health conditions or some combination of the those.
The main driver of whether people do badly over time are the economic consequences of the pandemic.
Individual trauma's are much more poisonous than collective ones, mugging v earthquake etc.

Has the pandemic really caused a 'tsunami' of mental health problems? Richard Bentall

Am I the only one who honestly, hasn't found lockdown all that bad tbh. I didin't do a whole lot before the pandemic so life hasn't been all that different for me. I am a gamer at heart and that didn't change at all. Sure, there's been a few things I have missed but a lot of things have been better. Like, less people generally everywhere. Want the world to be a better place when the pandemic is finally done but will it? Hope so.

Am I really the only one?

Nope, you're not alone. Many of us quietly get on with our days, almost like moving in the shadows.

I've worked from home since it all started, my employer is currently working out home/office working for when things open up; probably due another survey next month from them about it. I'll probably still be doing 2 roles in 6 month's time.

I only went out a few times a year as it's too expensive. Doubt I will go to house parties as I still don't drink.

Obviously I'm in a much better environment now than at the start, so things are all sunshine and smiles. Plenty for me to do at home and in the garden.
Am I the only one who honestly, hasn't found lockdown all that bad tbh. I didin't do a whole lot before the pandemic so life hasn't been all that different for me. I am a gamer at heart and that didn't change at all. Sure, there's been a few things I have missed but a lot of things have been better. Like, less people generally everywhere. Want the world to be a better place when the pandemic is finally done but will it? Hope so.

Am I really the only one?
It hasn't really affected us too much tbh. We managed to sell our house and move to another country in the middle of the pandemic. The missus was pretty much working from home anyway and the kids adjusted brilliantly to online learning. I kept going to work right up to a few days before we left. Only the social side has been lacking, really. But we've been able to get out with the kids and the dog for lovely walks in the forest and by the sea.

Yes, we know how lucky we are not to have been impacted as much as some people, and we are very grateful for it.

But we're really looking forward to when everything is opened up again and we can start fully enjoying where we live.
Would it be appropriate for me to say.....Phhhhoooaaarrrrr! :D

Reckon you can be forgiven. :D

This forum needs a lingerie thread ASAP.

Lingerie time is better spent OFF the forum, me thinks. Ideally with someone else (but not compulsory) and in the bedroom but any room will do. ;)
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This forum needs a lingerie thread ASAP.
Be careful what you wish for. A lingerie thread could spawn an equal but opposite briefs thread. I can already imagine which forum members will be posting selfies of their cock socks and which members might post in both threads. Mentioning no names of course. :umm:
Reckon you can be forgiven. :D

Lingerie time is better spent OFF the forum, me thinks. Ideally with someone else (but not compulsory) and in the bedroom but any room will do. ;)
Its art, good for senses. :)

Be careful what you wish for. A lingerie thread could spawn an equal but opposite briefs thread. I can already imagine which forum members will be posting selfies of their cock socks and which members might post in both threads. Mentioning no names of course. :umm:
yeah, now I see the problem
Theres no dark side of the moon dark enough :D
Sheeps on lingerie are not relevant to my interests (...yet)
Richard Bentall didn't know who these people are, but it's in the data. His guess is that they are people who've got good marriages, they're secure in their jobs, they've probably got older children at home.
Yep, I reckon there's something to that.
Be careful what you wish for. A lingerie thread could spawn an equal but opposite briefs thread. I can already imagine which forum members will be posting selfies of their cock socks and which members might post in both threads. Mentioning no names of course. :umm:
@ZT has a massive cock sock collection. It's inversely proportional to his appendage.
Firstly @John R hope all goes well - you know where we are matey, thinking of you

For me I cannot wait to be able to see my brother and my niece and nephew, I miss them so much, Whats app video call is great but not the same

I really hope to god I can travel at some point this year and visit my parents in Madeira, that would be the cherry on the top for me but we are a long way off that, I am not booking any flights yet thats for sure

Lately all this lockdown stuff has got to me, Ive been pretty chilled, good and bad days but just recently Im at my limit! Hubby might be back at work next week so I know it will get worse for me being home all day, im working but having him here has been so good. I suppose I am very lucky compared to many but I still have bad times as much as everyone else.
Im a social butterfly and I NEED TO FLY.......lol
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