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It's a bit of a monster...

There's jokes, and then there's panic attack inducing sentences.

I swear to god I will cut you up. You go too far.
I've just spent a few hours on hobbyking,decided that LiPo+ESC+Aduino (to control the ESC)would make into an utterly berserk mod with enough power available to enable coils made from fecking fence wire (robbed from the nearest farm obviously) or if that's not enough,simply heat up the entire atomizer. :rofl:

It was when looking at the electronic speed controllers that I saw mention of a "easily programmable via cards" device,with the ability to set such as "speed" and a "turbo boost" setting,or to avoid destroying your helicopter,a "slow speed" setting that altered the motor control so torque didn't upset the rotors.

As these items all come from the one supplier,who is also the manufacturer prices for the lot weren't extreme.As they are still coming from China,I might as well order the Arduino board from FT too.
I've just spent a few hours on hobbyking,decided that LiPo+ESC+Aduino (to control the ESC)would make into an utterly berserk mod with enough power available to enable coils made from fecking fence wire (robbed from the nearest farm obviously) or if that's not enough,simply heat up the entire atomizer. :rofl:

It was when looking at the electronic speed controllers that I saw mention of a "easily programmable via cards" device,with the ability to set such as "speed" and a "turbo boost" setting,or to avoid destroying your helicopter,a "slow speed" setting that altered the motor control so torque didn't upset the rotors.

As these items all come from the one supplier,who is also the manufacturer prices for the lot weren't extreme.As they are still coming from China,I might as well order the Arduino board from FT too.

I think you'll find the programmable ESCs are for brushless motors. They have 3 wires. I'm not sure how that would work out with an atty.

Mind you the ESC I have in my RC car is good for up to about 800W. It can draw enough current for 6 inch long 10awg wires to get HOT.
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Give what up?
Enjoying our hobby?
Building stuff that hasn't been thought of before?
Being mental?
First you post on the Mech battery thread, and now this?
Something smells trolly to me.
doobedoobedo Okay, if an ESC isn't an option I guess I'll just have to make the beast with r/c control using my digital transceiver lol. I'll have another wander round the net later and look in a few modders forum posts to see what I can use as I'm sure I don't wish to run an unrestricted lipo :rofl:

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
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