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Juice costs


May 18, 2017
Hello fellow vape apes! Kinda new to the forum but been lurking for a long time, this my first thread I'm starting and I'm doing it just to get something off my chest a bit. I know the topic has been covered before but I didn't feel like necroing older topics, apologies if posting in existing threads is the preferred way.

Anyways, I gave up smokes and took up vaping at the end of August 2016 and since then have gone from a cig-a-like to my first starter mod ( Endura T22 ) and currently using a Coolfire 4 TC100 and a Tsunami 22 or a Crown 2. Naturally moving on to sub ohming I knew there would be increased costs due to the increased juice consumption but I was cool with it as my ADV juice cost me 30 quid a bottle which I considered reasonable.

Pre-TPD I read a lot of things about juice suppliers and vendors saying they would keep the prices more or less the same but this doesn't seem to be the case at all presently. I know its been only a few days but its not looking very promising at the moment as I've been looking at the pricing on the afore mentioned liquid I use and the going rate for a 10ml bottle appears to be £4.99... Yeah, 49 quid for 100ml... a price hike of 19 quid basically. ( here comes the rant )

For that sort of price some of the juice companies can quite frankly get stuffed! One of the main reasons I switched to vaping was because of the reduced costs but having done some rough calculations, it would seem that if I wanted to carry on vaping as I did pre-tpd, which would be approximately 10ml per day it would cost me around £150 per month ( not including stuff like any potential stock coils or rebuildable accessories ). This is ofcourse based on current prices and maybe in time, once the suppliers have their stock sorted they will look at offering multipacks at a reduced price or nic-shots and some of them already do but thats not really the point.

Fun fact... it would cost me around £100 a month if I went back to rollies, as in actual smoking instead of vaping. £50 quid less.

This is hardly the end of vaping for me, I will simply vote with my wallet as I always do and carry on my work with getting my DIY juices going and I have no problem ordering pre-bottled liquids from One Pound Eliquids. I tried them out recently and they are actually rather good. 100ml of TPD compliant juice for a tenner, can't complain. If I really want to keep my costs in check, I still have mtl tanks and will simply go back to mtl. I'm just quite disapointed at some of the juice companies if this really is how they wish to play it.
Like you said DIY is the way forward. Works out at a fraction of the cost of pre made, and you can tailor it to your taste.
Good rant! Even better because you've already dealt with all your issues. :)
Make your own choices and carry on vaping!
I think you have answered your own points. there are still a number of options for getting 10ml for £1 and it is early days in the aftermath. The market will settle the price for eliquid eventually, having shelled out for the compliance testing and checks most juice manufacturers will want to try and recoup some of that cost but if sales start falling away they are only left with two options; either exit the market or adjust the price to a level where the volumes of sales increase.
I expect to see a shift back to MTL for everyday vaping and it might be that vapers see some 'premium' brands as an occasional treat rather than part of their staple diet. at the end of the day, for many, it is more about health than cost.
I think a small price hike is acceptable as the vendors have had to pay a lot to get every juice in their range TPD compliant however that price hike is piss take in my eyes. have you tried some of the listed vendors on here https://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/...e-liquid-hardware-suppliers.78467/#post858319, some really good juice companies there that have good prices. nothing wrong with onepoundliquids but their juice tastes a bit synthetic to me. I can vouch for rejuiced and G1 juice which are very good companies, also bestcigliquids for diy are really good and big juice are good too for diy. theres also discount codes for various vendors on here too.
Sadly discount codes will soon be a thing of the past thanks to TPD. No more % off or bogof.
I expect to see a shift back to MTL for everyday vaping and it might be that vapers see some 'premium' brands as an occasional treat rather than part of their staple diet. at the end of the day, for many, it is more about health than cost.

This is probably how I will be vaping, MTL throughout the day and hit the dripper or the sub tank as a bit of a treat in the evening.

I think a small price hike is acceptable as the vendors have had to pay a lot to get every juice in their range TPD compliant however that price hike is piss take in my eyes. have you tried some of the listed vendors on here https://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/...e-liquid-hardware-suppliers.78467/#post858319, some really good juice companies there that have good prices. nothing wrong with onepoundliquids but their juice tastes a bit synthetic to me. I can vouch for rejuiced and G1 juice which are very good companies, also bestcigliquids for diy are really good and big juice are good too for diy. theres also discount codes for various vendors on here too.

Thanks for the link and suggestions. I'm a bit of a stubborn vaper in that when I find a brand and juice I like, I tend to stick to it and I'm not very adventurous with flavours but I'm also not afraid of trying out new stuff so I will definately be researching some alternatives.
DIY is so cheap I don't even bother thinking about the costs in doing it. I like to make lots of different juices and experiment with lots of recipes and tweaks. I can't imagine only buying juice. It would be too restrictive.
No idea as me don't use them so never looked into it deeper
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