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Just discovered RDTA's!

I usually go to my butchers for them [emoji6]

:hello:& :welcome2:to the Planet Bluedreama!

I've some wild 'live' ones in me garden, d'ya want any of those??!! :D

Nice to make your acquaintance bluedreama. I haven't got into building yet, as I'm not long into my own vaping journey..quite happy as a MTL vaper. But did purchase via the classifieds a Smok TF-RTA G2 tank, which the vendor kindy gave me some S/S wire for it. So looking forward to playing around with that, just as soon as my sight is fixed (part way through having Cataracts done), as I wanna try DTL ing. I also have a Crown SE 1 tank, that uses stock sub ohm coils, so probably start with that one first.

Anyway...welcome aboard and good luck with your own journey...and speaking of Easter Bunnies.....if you can..try and not fall into that massive rabbit hole just over theraways....cos that's where me, Jackymax & many others are currently residing! It's rather crowded in here at the moment! :D
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Hi all and thanks for having me. I've been vaping for about 3 years now, after quitting a 30 a day habit. I started off with socialites cartridges/pens, then got myself an aspire pockex about 6 months ago, which is great, I recently started looking at mods and rda's but thought they were too much hassle so I got a Rx200 and a baby beast tank and entered a whole nother world of vaping, then my son gave me an augvape Merlin rdta, and I'm converted lol. I've now got a lot of learning to do, and I reckon this is a good place to start. I'm interested in TC using ss, but not many local shops seem to sell it, in fact when I ask for it, I always get asked "what you wanna use that for?" So I gather it's not common/popular? I was sold some ni80 wire last week for TC[emoji849]. Anyway, I hope the Easter bunny brought you something nice, ttfn.

Hi @bluedreama and welcome to POTV.

I'm a relative newbie to vaping and, like you, TC with SS is where I'm hoping to go. At the moment, mainly due to laziness, I'm still just using VW on my mods. My Smok AL85 is bad at TC, people don't seem to rate Smok mods for TC very highly, perhaps the chip/boards don't do TC as good as other chips/boards. A search for 'vape tc ss' on StartPage (the worlds most private search engine - why let the Goog, MS, Yahoo, etc. know everything you look for!) throws up several places that discuss TC. I really have to get my act together and learn how to set my VooPoo Drag up for TC as it is certainly my favourite mod out of the AL85 and Ijoy Captain 1865 that I also have. Must get the Merlin Mini out again, my current favourites in order are the Augvape Druga, Dead Rabbit and Oumier VLS RDAs, all with SS coils in various wires bought from Dynas Ltd - I've no connectioning with them except them being in Ipswich not far from where I live, though they don't do collection :-(
:hello:& :welcome2:to the Planet Bluedreama!

I've some wild 'live' ones in me garden, d'ya want any of those??!! :D

Nice to make your acquaintance bluedreama. I haven't got into building yet, as I'm not long into my own vaping journey..quite happy as a MTL vaper. But did purchase via the classifieds a Smok TF-RTA G2 tank, which the vendor kindy gave me some S/S wire for it. So looking forward to playing around with that, just as soon as my sight is fixed (part way through having Cataracts done), as I wanna try DTL ing. I also have a Crown SE 1 tank, that uses stock sub ohm coils, so probably start with that one first.

Anyway...welcome aboard and good luck with your own journey...and speaking of Easter Bunnies.....if you can..try and not fall into that massive rabbit hole just over theraways....cos that's where me, Jackymax & many others are currently residing! It's rather crowded in here at the moment! :D
I just popped my head out of the rabbit hole to have a long research session on all the goodies I just won from @itscostingme And now to bed :D
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